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Down to Earth Set

We all have an innate connection to the Earth, and when we intentionally nurture this connection, we can develop inner strength, peace, and stability. For those of us who are Starseeds, it is important for us to become more skillful in noticing when we are uprooted so we can take the appropriate steps to ground. If we are only operating within the ethereal or higher energies, we can become unrelatable to others and disconnected from our roots. Down to Earth reminds us that staying grounded is really about becoming more human and skillfully occupying all the ranges of energy.  When we are Down to Earth, we are able to raise our consciousness while simultaneously developing deeper root systems.


The Earth provides many templates for root systems that can help keep us grounded in different settings and contexts. We can improve our capacity to ground by being intentional with our diet and lifestyle and honoring the wisdom of the body, which comes from the Earth. This ultimately supports our ability to attune to the land, connect to the Earth Akashic, and deepen our Earth Clairvoyance.


There will be no live meetings for this series. Pre-recorded videos will be released on the following dates:

Down to Earth 1.0

Pre-recording released Tuesday, July 2

Down to Earth 2.0

Pre-recording released Tuesday, July 9th


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