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Energy Forecast for 2024

What you'll get:

  • Energy Forecast for 2024 Class Offering

    We welcome you to join us for the 2024 Energy Forecast, which is a donation based offering where we will explore the energetic themes coming through for 2024 with Maryam Hasnaa. 

    As we near the end of 2023, we begin to greet the new year and the energy that 2024 will bring.

    Maryam receives downloads that provide insight to the energetic themes that will be explored in the upcoming year. It is from these themes that we create the class curriculum for New Earth Mystery School.

    The themes received in this download and discussed in this class will be directly related to what we teach during our 2024 school year. 

    This class is a donation based offering starting with a minimum of $3.33. The suggested donation for this offering is $15. If you’re feeling generous and able we welcome you to make a larger donation. We thank you all in advance for your contributions and are looking forward to hosting this class.

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