ways of knowing:

An exploration of intuition, perception, clear seeing and the oracle traditions. Intuition is key as we reawaken feminine subtle ways of perceiving reality and realizing there is more to life than meets the eyes.
Our intuition has access to divine intelligence, the higher mind, the frequency of genius, inspiration, imagination. dreams and the akashic records.
A True Knowing emanates within us all. Connection and communication to our inner most self is available to us in every moment. Throughout life, this connection can be dimmed through programming that teaches us to value rigid logic and the word of external authority over our own inner messages.
The Ways of Knowing is for those who have the desire to deepen the understanding of themselves through the exploration of the gut feelings, visions, the subtle bodies, the various layers of mind, divine messages and inner guidance. This course is an invitation to develop and strengthen the connection to everyday extrasensory skills. Our hope is to guide you to learn practical tools that can improve your ability to make decisions, feel comfortable being an authority for yourself, to be able to hear your inner voice clearer and to trust yourself more fully.
Owning our power is our responsibility and is essential in maintaining the connection to our extra sensory skills.
Intuition can come in a variety of ways and typically where you are most open. It can come as knowing, feeling, sensing, hearing, tasting, telepathy, channeling, empathing, dreaming and much more. Through accurate perception and clear seeing we can observe behaviors, patterns and mindsets that are within us or those around us. As we recognize ways we have allowed overt and subtle forms of harm from ignoring our intuition, we will understand how to create more freedom and sovereignty for ourselves. It is important for us to address the roles we play in limiting ourselves with self forgiveness, compassion, amusement and curiosity. Regardless of what others aren’t willing to see, we must continue to validate our own clarity, perception and intuition. By acknowledging past dynamics that were real, this validates our inner knowing and increases awareness in every dimension. In this course, we will find great support by engaging the intuitive inner child and those younger versions of ourselves that just knew things without having to constantly second guess what we felt. To reunite with these younger aspects of ourselves will be essential to this work.

What you’ll learn…
Module 1: The Chakras and the Clairs
Module 2: Perception and Imagination
Module 3: Vaster Self
Module 4: Signs, Synchronicities and Dreams
Module 5: Downloads from the Universal Mind
Module 6: Spirit Communication and Decoding the Metaphor

Each module offers training in the energy techniques that help us to step fully into ourselves.
When we understand ourselves deeply and are able to communicate with the divine, we are able to strengthen our inner knowing and align with our highest self.

What’s included...

6 Pre recorded modules

6 Guided Meditations

Pre recorded Course Introduction Meeting

pre recorded course conclusion meeting

community forum

Lifetime Access to Content
Throughout this course, you will
- Deepen the understanding of your intuition and skillfully read energy
- Deepen your connection with intuition and discover the unique ways it speaks to us all
- Come more into harmony with your heart and your truth
- Explore the subtle bodies, the soul’s energy centers and brainwave frequencies to enhance awareness
- Recognize your body as a powerful for receiving messages as you safely listen and receive
- Receive self empowering skills, practices, and tools to develop greater resiliency, inner peace & healthier relationships
- Begin to recognize yourself as an open and clear channel
- Stay grounded in reality as we explore the beyond
- Learn to identify how our brain and body react as a result of stressors in our environment as well as states of emotional regulation and dysregulation
- Learn to provide self regulation through sensory intervention, grounding strategies and nervous system support
- Examine consciousness as a multifaceted integration of mind, body, sensory experience, and collaboration with subtle forces
- Work to be continuously self-reflective about our own privilege and power
- Become more comfortable to change and impermanence as you know you are guided
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Maryam offers wisdom sourced from years of work as a healer and mentor to gifted highly sensitive people.