One of the best skills you can develop is discernment about how you feel around certain people. This will impact your energy dramatically. Heart Discernment is also a huge theme. The ways that we have allowed both overt and subtle forms of harm, ignored our intuition, ignored red flags and chosen to be willfully ignorant will all need self forgiveness at this time. The biggest lesson is being around people who feel they are entitled to accessing our energy. That combined with needing to learn to balance a kind, generous, open heart, the part of us that is childlike/naive/gullible with discernment and listening to intuition. This type of discernment is powerful because the subtle distinction between being victimized vs catalyzed is very nuanced. Join us in February for a class on learning the skills of being able to trust ourselves more deeply.



One of the best skills you can develop is discernment about how you feel around certain people. This will impact your energy dramatically. Heart Discernment is also a huge theme. The ways that we have allowed both overt and subtle forms of harm, ignored our intuition, ignored red flags and chosen to be willfully ignorant will all need self forgiveness at this time. The biggest lesson is being around people who feel they are entitled to accessing our energy. That combined with needing to learn to balance a kind, generous, open heart, the part of us that is childlike/naive/gullible with discernment and listening to intuition. This type of discernment is powerful because the subtle distinction between being victimized vs catalyzed is very nuanced. Join us in February for a class on learning the skills of being able to trust ourselves more deeply.




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What we decide to take depends on what our energy calls for in each moment and what our bandwidth can manage at that time.


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