When we resist the natural pull of life we create suffering in our mental, emotional and physical body. But when we relax into the flow we are naturally drawn to making choices that support the greater good of the whole. This type of alignment is about going within. Going with the flow benefits us in all areas of life because we find ourselves working in concert with the universal forces of play, ease and destiny. We are more willing to let go, surrender and trust. We learn that we can accomplish as much through flow states as we previously did through hard work and grinding. We allow room for restoration, deep listening, embodied presence and inspiration.

2.0 with guest teacher Dr. Teresa Lau covers Flow States from the perspective of nervous system healing work. Dr. Lau is a Spinal Network Analysis practitioner who has years of knowledge from her work as a medical practitioner. Going with the flow is actually not something you do, it’s something that happens when you stop trying to force outcomes and instead align with the way in which your nervous system’s energy prefers to move. Movement, expression and creation are fluidly inspired through a deeper connection to what is rather than from rigidity, resistance and control programming.



When we resist the natural pull of life we create suffering in our mental, emotional and physical body. But when we relax into the flow we are naturally drawn to making choices that support the greater good of the whole. This type of alignment is about going within. Going with the flow benefits us in all areas of life because we find ourselves working in concert with the universal forces of play, ease and destiny. We are more willing to let go, surrender and trust. We learn that we can accomplish as much through flow states as we previously did through hard work and grinding. We allow room for restoration, deep listening, embodied presence and inspiration.

2.0 with guest teacher Dr. Teresa Lau covers Flow States from the perspective of nervous system healing work. Dr. Lau is a Spinal Network Analysis practitioner who has years of knowledge from her work as a medical practitioner. Going with the flow is actually not something you do, it’s something that happens when you stop trying to force outcomes and instead align with the way in which your nervous system’s energy prefers to move. Movement, expression and creation are fluidly inspired through a deeper connection to what is rather than from rigidity, resistance and control programming.




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