Recognize when the need for attachment through belonging comes into conflict with the need to be who you really are. Integrity is the pathway to embodying our whole selves. Often what blocks us from being honest with ourselves is our attachment to being liked and maintaining security within our relationships. While this need for security is understandable, it’s important to look at the ways we block ourselves from stepping into the fullness of our expression when we operate from the fear of losing connection.

You will find that authenticity and integrity go hand in hand. If your assignment in this lifetime is authenticity, you will have your work cut out for you. That means being present in the face of whatever anyone else brings, seeing it exactly for what it is while staying in your own energy. Often when people say compromise, they mean conformity. It isn’t always that other people are oppressing or limiting us with their ideas. We have to look at the beliefs we use as an excuse to limit our growth and block our own soul’s expansion. What would you do if you knew the other person was never going to change? Trust yourself and step into the new.

Our 2.0 guest teacher is Francheska Medina of Hey Fran Hey. Fran is a wellness advocate based out of Harlem, New York. After years of battling a painful chronic illness and then healing herself through studies of alternative medicine, nutrition and fitness, she became a spokesperson for more conscious day-to-day living. She will be sharing her wisdom about staying true to yourself regardless of others’ perceptions, particularly in the realm of business and awakening professional abundance.



Recognize when the need for attachment through belonging comes into conflict with the need to be who you really are. Integrity is the pathway to embodying our whole selves. Often what blocks us from being honest with ourselves is our attachment to being liked and maintaining security within our relationships. While this need for security is understandable, it’s important to look at the ways we block ourselves from stepping into the fullness of our expression when we operate from the fear of losing connection.

You will find that authenticity and integrity go hand in hand. If your assignment in this lifetime is authenticity, you will have your work cut out for you. That means being present in the face of whatever anyone else brings, seeing it exactly for what it is while staying in your own energy. Often when people say compromise, they mean conformity. It isn’t always that other people are oppressing or limiting us with their ideas. We have to look at the beliefs we use as an excuse to limit our growth and block our own soul’s expansion. What would you do if you knew the other person was never going to change? Trust yourself and step into the new.

Our 2.0 guest teacher is Francheska Medina of Hey Fran Hey. Fran is a wellness advocate based out of Harlem, New York. After years of battling a painful chronic illness and then healing herself through studies of alternative medicine, nutrition and fitness, she became a spokesperson for more conscious day-to-day living. She will be sharing her wisdom about staying true to yourself regardless of others’ perceptions, particularly in the realm of business and awakening professional abundance.




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