peaceful warrior
In 1.0 of this series Maryam teaches us about the art of the peaceful warrior as it relates to transmuting the archetypal energies of the wounded healer. As people who embody earth angel archetypes, we are learning lessons about moving away from martyrdom in service to others. We need to be in our sovereignty and release the pattern that seeks external validation from Source. Instead, we can move into strengthening our capacity to communicate and collaborate with spirit. We are walked through a practice of authenticity testing in relationships.
In 2.0, guest teacher Lalah Delia discusses the alchemy of spiritual training that happens when we take care of our nutrition, our home spaces, our relations, and our solitude. Honoring your boundaries, integrate your shadow, stay ready so you don’t have to get ready, live in a place of response-ability so you can show up with poise as a warrior spirit.

Peaceful warrior
peaceful warrior
peaceful warrior
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