Growing our Reach

Engaging online can be a beautiful experience but it also comes with its own unique challenges. Online interactions have their own unique subcategory of subtle relational dynamics and energy exchange. On a regular basis we may be taking in information both wanted and unwanted. Through the use of online technologies, we may unknowingly be opening a door that allows people access to us in ways that do not serve us. While we may be there looking for inspiration and connection with like hearted community, but without the proper energetic hygiene skills we may regularly leave online spaces feeling uncentered, triggered, agitated, off balance and overwhelmed. We may end up being overly reactive and unclear why this is happening or what to do about it.


In this 2 day weekend immersion we will discuss, learn, and practice energy work practices for building greater internal resource, resilience and capacity. We will practice attuning ourselves, setting boundaries, minimizing stress, and clearing foreign energy we may have picked up from our devices. We will learn some of the most common challenges most people encounter online, as well as some new ways to unhook from other unwanted encounters, other peopleā€™s drama and chaos. We will discuss how to have a healthier, aligned, and more balanced relationship with the online community.


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Growing our Reach is a live weekend intensive that will take place via Zoom Saturday, January 27th - Sunday, January 28th.

Included in this course:

  • Two Day Intensive
  • Playback Recordings of Class Sessions
  • Lifetime Access

Terms & Conditions

Please visit ourĀ Student Code of Conduct and Policies.

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Maryam offers wisdom sourced from years of work as a healer and mentor to gifted highly sensitive people. 

Maryam Hasnaa


Raised by two parents who are spiritual teachers, Maryam Hasnaa has been immersed in a world of mysticism, ceremony and celebration since before she was born. An initiated Priestess, Energy Worker and a Flower Practitioner, she has found her calling in offering training and mentorship for those with the trait of high sensitivity.

Maryam Hasnaa has learned the importance of living in alignment with one’s intuition and most authentic self. She uses her etheric gifts to remind other beings of the vibrational, energetic nature of this universe. The key elements of her work include a depth of knowledge and experience within a diverse range of esoteric spiritual traditions and cosmic cosmology.

As a clear channel, Maryam is experienced in working with the Elemental kingdom, the angelic realms, plant medicine, metaphysical law, embodied ceremony, sound healing and is a keeper of Star medicine. She specializes in ascension guidance, as well as helping other beings honor their soul’s blueprint within the divine plan. Maryam Hasnaa incorporates ancient wisdom as well as cutting edge information to intuitively teach in a way that will awaken wholeness and create deep transformational healing. Through shining her light so brightly her intention is that others will see themselves reflected and do the same.

Maryam Hasnaa

Raised by two parents who are spiritual teachers, Maryam Hasnaa has been immersed in a world of mysticism, ceremony and celebration since before she was born. An initiated Priestess, Energy Worker and a Flower Practitioner, she has found her calling in offering training and mentorship for those with the trait of high sensitivity.

Maryam Hasnaa has learned the importance of living in alignment with one’s intuition and most authentic self. She uses her etheric gifts to remind other beings of the vibrational, energetic nature of this universe. The key elements of her work include a depth of knowledge and experience within a diverse range of esoteric spiritual traditions and cosmic cosmology.

As a clear channel, Maryam is experienced in working with the Elemental kingdom, the angelic realms, plant medicine, metaphysical law, embodied ceremony, sound healing and is a keeper of Star medicine. She specializes in ascension guidance, as well as helping other beings honor their soul’s blueprint within the divine plan. Maryam Hasnaa incorporates ancient wisdom as well as cutting edge information to intuitively teach in a way that will awaken wholeness and create deep transformational healing. Through shining her light so brightly her intention is that others will see themselves reflected and do the same.

Register for Growing our Reach



