An exploration of the mysticism of sound and nature through the practice of telepathic listening, clairvoyant vision, earth harmonics and tending our own inner etheric garden. Every vibratory possibility in form has a subtle sound. 

An elegant, ethereal and nuanced healing system that focuses on presence, authenticity and attunement to the subtle realms.

Etheric Gardening ™ is not focused on perfection but it is more so concerned with creating the possibility for expressing the very essence of what is unique within each of us. We will be developing our telepathic channels and our earth clairvoyance. These skills are what will support us in being able to work, with permission, intimately with Elementals, Devas, and Nature Spirits. 

As we come more into harmony, resonance, and attunement we will then turn our practice outward to offer this work and healing back to the Earth. This is the season where you lay claim to your life and begin planting all that you wish to see. 

Learn More in this Free Intro Class

We are all conduits and divine instruments of the universal mind as emanator, conductor and architect. One of the purest examples of this is flowers in a garden. Each flower has its own creation song but together there is an orchestra that comes alive through each being in tune with their own calling. This impulse is witnessed and perceived as beauty, harmony, joy, healing and vitality. But the impulse itself is informed by a divine intelligence that is inherent in each flower’s very own nature. This blueprint determines the color of the hibiscus, the shape of the petals of the bleeding heart and the scent of the rose.

In this way, Etheric Gardening ™ is concerned with the mysticism of sound and nature through the practice of tending our own inner etheric garden.

Tune into Tier One Tune into Tier Two

The human soul itself is a type of flower. Every chakra has its own system of petals, each with their own purpose and meaning. Similar to every life form, with the appropriate nourishment. sunlight, soil and environment, these divine attributes can come alive and blossom. Essentially this system outlines the blueprint for coming into resonance and congruence with our own Devic intelligence.

What is unique about this system is that we will be cultivating a conscious relationship with the energies that support life through our etheric body. The etheric body is concerned with breath, prana, life force and vitality. Etheric energy is the substance that gives way to all matter, physicality and form. It provides the details and building blocks for our physical form. Therefore it relies heavily on devas and elemental beings. We will be learning how to work with these angelic beings as we discover practices like channeling solar prana from the Sun and drawing up different frequency ranges of earth kundalini from beneath through the roots of our feet.

This system will include training in an extensive toolkit of energy work, multi-dimensional healing practices, intuitive facilities, sense perception and psychic abilities but always applied in a very accessible and practical way. This program will be taught through frameworks and reference points but will be worked in a way that is experiential and relies on direct transmission.

We will be opening and developing our extra sensory gifts in a way that is safe, fun and playful but intentional, disciplined and takes into consideration our own capacity and what is appropriate at this time. We will be developing our telepathic channels and our earth clairvoyance. These skills are what will support us being able to work intimately and with permission with Elementals, Devas and nature spirits. We will be working with 7 different layers of the aura and also various energy ranges within the 7 planes of reality. The Devas and Elementals in the body are what provide the possibility for optimal health.




We will begin to see how we, as humans, are what have created the noise or pollution that disrupts the harmony of earth. We will finally be able to participate in the orchestra through our unique contribution as is our divine birthright.

Rather than just continuing to operate in the old frequencies of colonialism, patriarchy, extraction and trauma to self and other, we will be learning extensive spiritual technologies for being in right relationship and reciprocity with all of creation.

Etheric Gardening Tier One is a 12 Week Virtual Apprenticeship that is Level I of the Etheric Gardening ™ Program. Etheric Gardening Tier Two is a 9 Month Virtual Apprenticeship that is Level 2 of the Etheric Gardening ™ Program. If you feel called to become a part of the earth grid that supports the planet through the current transformations, this program is for you.

In level I, you will learn the foundational practices applied in a way for self healing and work that can be shared with friends and family. This level is the prerequisite for moving forward to Tier Two in this program. In level II, you will learn how to expand your practices and tools while also incorporating new techniques. This level is apart of the prerequisite for moving forward to Tier Three in this program to becoming certified as an Etheric Gardening ™ practitioner and flower gardener.

Explore Tier One

An essential part of this program will be keeping up your individual daily practice.

We will explore some of the blocks that prevent us from being committed to our inner work. We will also be examining and releasing some of the karmic agreements from ancient times that are required to complete in order to be initiated into this work. We will be closing out certain timelines. owning our role for any past mistakes and anchoring in new possibilities. We will be unhooking from global agendas and making agreements with New Earth. We have no choice but to go forward into interconnectedness.

There is a very unique energy that allows you to integrate both your interdependence with other beings and your interdependence with aspects of yourself within the personality and beyond the personality. So, its purpose is integration. And out of that integration comes a calm, peaceful, openness. But it is more than just peacefulness, it’s participation. A sense of significant participation in the interdependent dance of life. The teachers and guides in this program have been carefully selected to serve as a bridge between where we are and where we are headed.


As we come more into harmony, resonance and attunement we will then turn our practice outward to offer this work and healing back to the Earth.



  • Work intimately and with permission with Elementals, Devas, and Nature Spirits
  • Discover the intersection between Energy Medicine, ancient healing practices, psychic development, flower essences and stewardship 
  • Develop your extra sensory gifts in a way that is safe, fun and playful but intentional, and disciplined 
  • Practice telepathic listening, clairvoyant vision, and earth harmonics
  • Learn the foundational practices applied in a way for self healing and work that can be shared with friends and family
  • Become a conduit and divine instrument of the universal mind as emanator, conductor and architect



  • Work intimately and with permission with Elementals, Devas, and Nature Spirits
  • Discover the intersection between Energy Medicine, ancient healing practices, psychic development, flower essences and stewardship 
  • Develop your extra sensory gifts in a way that is safe, fun and playful but intentional, and disciplined 
  • Practice telepathic listening, clairvoyant vision, and earth harmonics
  • Learn the foundational practices applied in a way for self healing and work that can be shared with friends and family
  • Become a conduit and divine instrument of the universal mind as emanator, conductor and architect

Each code offers training in the energy techniques that help us to step fully into ourselves.

When we master ourselves, we can be of grounded service.

I'm Ready!

What you’ll learn…

In level I, you will learn the foundational practices applied in a way for self healing and work that can be shared with friends and family. This level is the prerequisite for moving forward in this program to become an Etheric Gardening ™ practitioner.

Throughout this apprenticeship, you will...

  • Tend to Your Inner Garden
  • Lay claim to your life and begin planting all that you wish to see
  • Come more into harmony, resonance and attunement 
  • Explore an elegant, ethereal and nuanced healing system 
  • Focuses on presence, authenticity and attunement to the subtle realms
  • Develop your telepathic channels and earth clairvoyance

If you’ve ever been interested in the intersection between Energy Medicine, ancient healing practices, psychic development, flower essences, and stewardship, this program is for you.

We will be opening and developing our extra sensory gifts in a way that is safe, fun and playful but intentional, disciplined and takes into consideration our own capacity and what is appropriate at this time. 

We will journey with different flowers and receive specific energy transmissions. You will be encouraged to be open and curious about the teachings but to always allow your own information to be senior. If you’re not familiar with these concepts or techniques, you will learn to call on your guides, ancestors, the guides of the teachers or some combination to help you explore to your comfort level in a way you are congruent with.

Maryam Hasnaa 

What’s included...

12 codes, these pre recorded classes are 2 hours each

12 Live meetings designed for students to connect and practice


12 Flower Essences and 2 Bonus essences


Guest Contributor Content

12 Guided Meditations

Downloadable Worksheets

Lifetime Access to Content

ENroll in Etheric Gardening

Tier one



Enroll with
3 monthly payments




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All questions can be directed to [email protected]



In Etheric Gardening Tier 2 we will journey for 9 months to go deeper into the more complex dimensions of this work. While this system is certainly fundamentally about beauty, magic and healing, in order to prepare you for the role of service it requires you to have a more intimate relationship with the inner workings. Therefore we must explore some of the more difficult and challenging dimensions of doing this kind of work. We must talk about ways that our wounding, pain points, shadow, and unclear intentions can reveal distortions in our perceptions which will create roadblocks to clearly seeing others. 

The reality that we aren’t necessarily going to be fully healed when we show up to serve, requires us to put safety measures and accountability practices in place. To the best of our ability we will do so, such that the ways this work could potentially harm others are not only accounted for but planned for ahead of time. 

These truths need to be brought into the conversation so that the people we serve are informed. This way those that do feel called to move forward, do so with awareness. There are genuine risks that come with trusting someone with your deepest wounds, worries, and fears but also your deepest dreams, aspirations, and visions.

In this system we honor the universal laws of Oneness, free will, and cause and effect. We know that in the right container, when all of the most important elements are engaged fully and skillfully, this work has the potential to produce miracles. That is what can happen with genuine dedication to the work as well as the tools, skills, practices, techniques, and exercises that can genuinely change lives.


Our hope is that much of the information that is shared will resonate so deeply, for those that are called, that it touches into a part of you that knows all of this work for yourself naturally. You might question if we already know all of this, why invest in learning it, why make the time to do the practices, why dedicate ourselves to the exercises? It is from our knowing and direct experience that it is often the quality of the training that makes the difference between having consistent access to ourselves when we need it, rather than the sort of inner-connection that arrives sporadically and randomly. This means we will be engaging with the mechanisms that allow for full transformations to take place. This kind of transformation is not something that only happens once in our lifetime. It is actually the tiny everyday miracles that allow us to live life in a way where we have the opportunity to express our truest nature. This is where the being and the becoming come together. 

We believe the point of incarnating at this time, in tremendous uncertainty and change on the planet, is to find out who we really are and to share out from that place. We are here to sing our own song, to dance our own dance, to be free and be liberated, together with other like-hearted souls. This liberation is not just from systems of oppression that exist in the seen dimension, that can be named. But also to be free from the limitations that operate in the unseen realms that perpetuate existing under the veil of amnesia between ourselves and all that is sacred. It is this sacredness that gives life meaning, and that meaning is present even in our darkest moments. This work cannot guarantee that you will never be hurt, never fall down, never feel lonely, lost or forgotten. However what this work can do, is to offer you an opportunity to arrive at a place where you know that you are where you were destined to be. 

There is a space in this world that is carved out specifically for you. It takes into account your beauty, your inherent holiness, your humanity, as well as your ancestors, hopes and dreams of who you can become. There are moments in life that are specially crafted just for you and when you find yourself in one of those moments, you touch into real magic. It is this magic that awakens something deep within us, that longs for expression and witnessing.

Maryam Hasnaa 

What you'll learn…

What we can guarantee you from this work is that if you have a genuine intention in this lifetime, to remember who you are, then this work is for you. I hope that you leave this experience with more of whatever it is that you need, that can help you shine your light in this world.


Our Role

You are needed, you matter and you have something to offer that only you can bring. Our role in this work is to support you in remembering that and knowing that for yourself.


I'm Ready

What’s included...

7 Comprehensive Modules Spread Over 28 Weeks of Teaching

A Professional Essence Practitioner Kit with 72 Flower Essences - 7.5ml EACH

Several Live and Small Group Practice Sessions + Exercises Each Month

Energy Healings and Journeys

Qi Gong Practices Facilitated by Taganyahu Swaby

Guided Meditations and Scripts

Healing Protocols and Techniques

Downloadable Worksheets

Lifetime Access to Content

Tier 2 Begins Spring 2025

Etheric Gardening Tier Two kits - shipping note


Etheric Gardening Tier Two registration includes a professional essence practitioner kit with 72 flower essences.

We will cover any Domestic Shipping costs of up to $25. Any shipment cost over $25, will be an extra charge in which you will be invoiced the difference for.

We will not be covering any shipment costs outside of the USA. All international registrants will be sent a separate invoice for shipment.


Etheric Gardening Tier Two registration includes a professional essence practitioner kit with 72 flower essences.

We will cover any Domestic Shipping costs of up to $25. Any shipment cost over $25, will be an extra charge in which you will be invoiced the difference for.

We will not be covering any shipment costs outside of the USA. All international registrants will be sent a separate invoice for shipment.

ENroll in Etheric Gardening Tier TWO











Maryam offers wisdom sourced from years of work as a healer and mentor to gifted highly sensitive people. 

Maryam Hasnaa


Raised by two parents who are spiritual teachers, Maryam Hasnaa has been immersed in a world of mysticism, ceremony and celebration since before she was born. An initiated Priestess, Energy Worker and a Flower Practitioner, she has found her calling in offering training and mentorship for those with the trait of high sensitivity.

Maryam Hasnaa has learned the importance of living in alignment with one’s intuition and most authentic self. She uses her etheric gifts to remind other beings of the vibrational, energetic nature of this universe. The key elements of her work include a depth of knowledge and experience within a diverse range of esoteric spiritual traditions and cosmic cosmology.

As a clear channel, Maryam is experienced in working with the Elemental kingdom, the angelic realms, plant medicine, metaphysical law, embodied ceremony, sound healing and is a keeper of Star medicine. She specializes in ascension guidance, as well as helping other beings honor their soul’s blueprint within the divine plan. Maryam Hasnaa incorporates ancient wisdom as well as cutting edge information to intuitively teach in a way that will awaken wholeness and create deep transformational healing. Through shining her light so brightly her intention is that others will see themselves reflected and do the same.

Maryam Hasnaa

Raised by two parents who are spiritual teachers, Maryam Hasnaa has been immersed in a world of mysticism, ceremony and celebration since before she was born. An initiated Priestess, Energy Worker and a Flower Practitioner, she has found her calling in offering training and mentorship for those with the trait of high sensitivity.

Maryam Hasnaa has learned the importance of living in alignment with one’s intuition and most authentic self. She uses her etheric gifts to remind other beings of the vibrational, energetic nature of this universe. The key elements of her work include a depth of knowledge and experience within a diverse range of esoteric spiritual traditions and cosmic cosmology.

As a clear channel, Maryam is experienced in working with the Elemental kingdom, the angelic realms, plant medicine, metaphysical law, embodied ceremony, sound healing and is a keeper of Star medicine. She specializes in ascension guidance, as well as helping other beings honor their soul’s blueprint within the divine plan. Maryam Hasnaa incorporates ancient wisdom as well as cutting edge information to intuitively teach in a way that will awaken wholeness and create deep transformational healing. Through shining her light so brightly her intention is that others will see themselves reflected and do the same.

Guest Contributors


​Dr. Jacqui, ND is a mixed Indigenous Yakama, Irish, + East European Plant Medicine person, Naturopathic Doctor, and Birth Worker with a passion for connecting others to their Medicine, Ancestors, the Land + Stars for deep healing. Rekindling this remembrance you have deep in your Bones of who you are. Helping us to remember our sense of belonging, and awakening our gifts & responsibilities at this time. You, in joy + your most aligned self, are vital to the times we are in. Dr. Jacqui's teachings are rooted in traditional knowledge, direct communication with the Plants, Dreamwork, many human teachers + guides (as shared within courses & monographs, some from books and in person teachers), as well as their Naturopathic Doctorate background. Walking in her Ancestor's footsteps, a conduit between the Earth and Stars. Bringing forth Medicine & Teachings for healing, reclaiming and remembering. Join Jacqui in remembering your connection the Plants, the Land, and reclaiming your Medicine + Gifts.


Dr. Jacqui, ND is a mixed Indigenous Yakama, Irish, + East European Plant Medicine person, Naturopathic Doctor, and Birth Worker with a passion for connecting others to their Medicine, Ancestors, the Land + Stars for deep healing. Rekindling this remembrance you have deep in your Bones of who you are. Helping us to remember our sense of belonging, and awakening our gifts & responsibilities at this time. You, in joy + your most aligned self, are vital to the times we are in. Dr. Jacqui's teachings are rooted in traditional knowledge, direct communication with the Plants, Dreamwork, many human teachers + guides (as shared within courses & monographs, some from books and in person teachers), as well as their Naturopathic Doctorate background. Walking in her Ancestor's footsteps, a conduit between the Earth and Stars. Bringing forth Medicine & Teachings for healing, reclaiming and remembering. Join Jacqui in remembering your connection the Plants, the Land, and reclaiming your Medicine + Gifts.


Trained in Eastern and Western Herbal Medicine, Master Herbalist Karen M. Rose has dedicated her life’s work to empowering individuals to reconnect to their own ancestral traditions. Over the past 20 years, she has created several outlets to offer her teachings and healing modalities to women, people of color, Black, and LGBTQX communities. The opening of the Brooklyn-based, Sacred Vibes Apothecary in 2009, was merely the beginning. Karen has now expanded her enterprise, opening Sacred Botanica and Sacred Spice in 2020, two new locations in Brooklyn, to make healing more accessible to the greater community.

Karen’s inspiration for this work began as a child in her native home of Guyana, where she was exposed to how African, Caribbean, and Latin American traditions profoundly influenced plant medicine and community healing. The legacy of these lands is the foundation of Karen’s core values and spiritual practices.

Regarded as a Spiritual Herbalist, Karen is revered for being the first to teach Spiritual Herbalism, plant medicine deeply rooted in ancestral healing and spiritual consciousness. Offering guidance to those on the path to finding the truth, she has trained over 400 herbalists through her Spiritual Herbalism Apprenticeship program as an act to reclaim their own health and offer healing to their own communities.

Karen’s accomplishments include several in-house projects such as the Sacred Vibes’ Annual NYC Spiritual Herbalism Conference, 2019, 2020 Herbal Almanac, the Global Virtual Apprenticeship Program, the Spiritual Herbalism Apprenticeship Community, and the FREE Herbal Community Summer workshops. Karen has been featured in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Black Enterprise, Refinery29 and Allure Magazine, Organic Life Magazine, and has partnered with brands like BET, and Squarespace.

Karen currently resides in New York City with her three children, grandson, parents, and sisters. Her family is valued foremost and all of her work is supported by this firm foundation.


Trained in Eastern and Western Herbal Medicine, Master Herbalist Karen M. Rose has dedicated her life’s work to empowering individuals to reconnect to their own ancestral traditions. Over the past 20 years, she has created several outlets to offer her teachings and healing modalities to women, people of color, Black, and LGBTQX communities. The opening of the Brooklyn-based, Sacred Vibes Apothecary in 2009, was merely the beginning. Karen has now expanded her enterprise, opening Sacred Botanica and Sacred Spice in 2020, two new locations in Brooklyn, to make healing more accessible to the greater community.

Karen’s inspiration for this work began as a child in her native home of Guyana, where she was exposed to how African, Caribbean, and Latin American traditions profoundly influenced plant medicine and community healing. The legacy of these lands is the foundation of Karen’s core values and spiritual practices.

Regarded as a Spiritual Herbalist, Karen is revered for being the first to teach Spiritual Herbalism, plant medicine deeply rooted in ancestral healing and spiritual consciousness. Offering guidance to those on the path to finding the truth, she has trained over 400 herbalists through her Spiritual Herbalism Apprenticeship program as an act to reclaim their own health and offer healing to their own communities.

Karen’s accomplishments include several in-house projects such as the Sacred Vibes’ Annual NYC Spiritual Herbalism Conference, 2019, 2020 Herbal Almanac, the Global Virtual Apprenticeship Program, the Spiritual Herbalism Apprenticeship Community, and the Free Herbal Community Summer workshops. Karen has been featured in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Black Enterprise, Refinery29 and Allure Magazine, Organic Life Magazine, and has partnered with brands like BET, and Squarespace.

Karen currently resides in New York City with her three children, grandson, parents, and sisters. Her family is valued foremost and all of her work is supported by this firm foundation.


Asia Suler is a writer, teacher, earth intuitive and ecological philosopher who lives in the folds of the Blue Ridge Mountains. She is the founder of One Willow Apothecaries, an Appalachian-grown company that offers handcrafted herbal medicines and educational experiences in herbalism, animism, ancestral healing and earth-centered personal growth. Asia has guided over 20,000 students in 70+ countries through her immersive online programs. With her writings and teachings, Asia helps people embrace their own unique medicine through a joyful engagement with the natural world. Her first book, Mirrors in the Earth: Reflections on Self-Healing from the Living World will be published in summer 2022.


Asia Suler is a writer, teacher, earth intuitive and ecological philosopher who lives in the folds of the Blue Ridge Mountains. She is the founder of One Willow Apothecaries, an Appalachian-grown company that offers handcrafted herbal medicines and educational experiences in herbalism, animism, ancestral healing and earth-centered personal growth. Asia has guided over 20,000 students in 70+ countries through her immersive online programs. With her writings and teachings, Asia helps people embrace their own unique medicine through a joyful engagement with the natural world. Her first book, Mirrors in the Earth: Reflections on Self-Healing from the Living World will be published in summer 2022.


Allison Bagg is a sound practitioner, breathwork facilitator, intuitive and artist based in Los Angeles. She plays with a plethora of modalities to help clients ground into their bodies, establish strong boundaries and open portals to the magic and abundance within. As a lifelong seeker, she has continuously followed her curiosity, which has led her down a path of holistic exploration rooted in neurochemistry. Certified in gong, crystal alchemy singing bowls, planetary chimes and tuning forks, along with active breathwork patterns, transpersonal energy healing and yoga nidra, Allison aims to weave a tapestry of tools you can take with you into the fertile void. 


Allison Bagg is a sound practitioner, breathwork facilitator, intuitive and artist based in Los Angeles. She plays with a plethora of modalities to help clients ground into their bodies, establish strong boundaries and open portals to the magic and abundance within. As a lifelong seeker, she has continuously followed her curiosity, which has led her down a path of holistic exploration rooted in neurochemistry. Certified in gong, crystal alchemy singing bowls, planetary chimes and tuning forks, along with active breathwork patterns, transpersonal energy healing and yoga nidra, Allison aims to weave a tapestry of tools you can take with you into the fertile void. 


Bint is an interdisciplinary artist and experimental musician whose work is centered on the reclamation and revival of the desecrated feminine from the lands of her ancestries. Drawing heavily on a rigorous early childhood training in Islamic art and religion, combined with a decade of study as an Initiate and student of Sufi and Hermetic theurgy—her work explores contemporary applications of traditional esoteric + cultural technologies through performance, folk and sound art. She occasionally presents, teaches and podcast hosts about the occult, metaphysics and other culturally fringe traditions from across the Muslim diaspora.

In this virtually hands-on presentation, we will dive into the herstory and significance of the henna plant (Lawsonia inermis), native to many African, Indo-Pak and SWANA (decolonial term for the Middle East = SW Asian + N African) regions. We will be looking at it’s dyeing and medicinal herbal properties as historically used by women for millennia in ritual, gatherings and ceremonial rites. We will discuss the cultural significance of henna in today’s world before exploring how it could be used ritually in the context of witchcraft/occult applications. Recipes, resources and demonstrations of basic application techniques will help all in attendance get started. Bint has been working with the henna plant for over 20 years, both as a professional artist and in the recent decade–ritually.


Bint is an interdisciplinary artist and experimental musician whose work is centered on the reclamation and revival of the desecrated feminine from the lands of her ancestries. Drawing heavily on a rigorous early childhood training in Islamic art and religion, combined with a decade of study as an Initiate and student of Sufi and Hermetic theurgy—her work explores contemporary applications of traditional esoteric + cultural technologies through performance, folk and sound art. She occasionally presents, teaches and podcast hosts about the occult, metaphysics and other culturally fringe traditions from across the Muslim diaspora.

In this virtually hands-on presentation, we will dive into the herstory and significance of the henna plant (Lawsonia inermis), native to many African, Indo-Pak and SWANA (decolonial term for the Middle East = SW Asian + N African) regions. We will be looking at it’s dyeing and medicinal herbal properties as historically used by women for millennia in ritual, gatherings and ceremonial rites. We will discuss the cultural significance of henna in today’s world before exploring how it could be used ritually in the context of witchcraft/occult applications. Recipes, resources and demonstrations of basic application techniques will help all in attendance get started. Bint has been working with the henna plant for over 20 years, both as a professional artist and in the recent decade–ritually.


Alia is a performance artist who has created her own unique style by combining a deep connection to her sensuality with Arabic music and the aesthetically beautiful. Coming from a Lebanese background and a family of musicians, she has an intrinsic understanding of Middle Eastern music and movement. Alia’s performances incorporate details that stimulate multiple senses such as sound, scent and visuals. Her intention is to bring the audience with her as she connects with spirit through music, evoking beauty and mystery through the ritual of dance. 

Alia has studied dance for over 15 years and has performed at various events and festivals around the world. She has performed with the likes of dance legend Dita Von Teese and was recently featured in Vogue. Alia currently resides in Los Angeles, where she performs regularly and creates new works through dance, music, video and graphic art.


Alia is a performance artist who has created her own unique style by combining a deep connection to her sensuality with Arabic music and the aesthetically beautiful. Coming from a Lebanese background and a family of musicians, she has an intrinsic understanding of Middle Eastern music and movement. Alia’s performances incorporate details that stimulate multiple senses such as sound, scent and visuals. Her intention is to bring the audience with her as she connects with spirit through music, evoking beauty and mystery through the ritual of dance. 

Alia has studied dance for over 15 years and has performed at various events and festivals around the world. She has performed with the likes of dance legend Dita Von Teese and was recently featured in Vogue. Alia currently resides in Los Angeles, where she performs regularly and creates new works through dance, music, video and graphic art.

Wali Via

The theme of Wali’s life has been cultivating his spiritual relationship with Nature. Professionally, he farmed biodynamically for 45 years, until his retirement in 2016. He has followed the Sufi path of Hazrat Inayat Khan since 1978 and serves the Inayatiyya Order in a number of roles. He is currently the Vice President of Ziraat, one of the 7 Activities of the Inayatiyya. Ziraat is a path that fosters the realization of our interconnectedness with the web of life and helps bring understanding to our soul’s journey and our responsibility as Earth citizens. He is a senior teacher within the Inayatiyya Inner (Esoteric) School, a retreat guide, and minister of Universal Worship. Wali enjoys backpacking, climbing mountains, kayaking, and playing with his grandchildren.


The theme of Wali’s life has been cultivating his spiritual relationship with Nature. Professionally, he farmed biodynamically for 45 years, until his retirement in 2016. He has followed the Sufi path of Hazrat Inayat Khan since 1978 and serves the Inayatiyya Order in a number of roles. He is currently the Vice President of Ziraat, one of the 7 Activities of the Inayatiyya. Ziraat is a path that fosters the realization of our interconnectedness with the web of life and helps bring understanding to our soul’s journey and our responsibility as Earth citizens. He is a senior teacher within the Inayatiyya Inner (Esoteric) School, a retreat guide, and minister of Universal Worship. Wali enjoys backpacking, climbing mountains, kayaking, and playing with his grandchildren.


Berenice Dimas is a queer writer, birthworker, and herbalist. Her work encourages people to (re)connect with plants, the land and their own ancestral traditions. Berenice is the founder of Hood Herbalism, a community based herbal education project. Find out more about Berenice's work by visiting her website and her IG @hoodherbalism


Berenice Dimas is a queer writer, birthworker, and herbalist. Her work encourages people to (re)connect with plants, the land and their own ancestral traditions. Berenice is the founder of Hood Herbalism, a community based herbal education project. Find out more about Berenice's work by visiting her website and her IG @hoodherbalism


Taganyahu Swaby's experience working with trauma has been an extensive part of his career. In & outside of the clinic his focus has been on designing methods to alleviate trauma and addiction. He specializes in pain management through his acupuncture practice at clinics in the five boroughs. Having had firsthand experience with autoimmune illnesses he has had success treating Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn's. Insomnia, Psoriasis, Eczema, Menstrual Irregularities, Depression, Thyroid Issues, Digestive Disorders and more. Having worked with children for years & being a parent he has treated his children and other children.

Swaby began studying acupuncture after years of training Qi Gong and Tai Qi Chuan, two forms of internal martial arts that, along with acupuncture, share the principle of “qi,” or life force, as their foundation. His experience of cultivating “qi” inspired him to learn more about its healing applications. Alongside providing acupuncture treatment, Swaby empowers patients to heal themselves by teaching patients practices to be performed on their own time to improve their health and wellbeing.


Taganyahu Swaby's experience working with trauma has been an extensive part of his career. In & outside of the clinic his focus has been on designing methods to alleviate trauma and addiction. He specializes in pain management through his acupuncture practice at clinics in the five boroughs. Having had firsthand experience with autoimmune illnesses he has had success treating Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn's. Insomnia, Psoriasis, Eczema, Menstrual Irregularities, Depression, Thyroid Issues, Digestive Disorders and more. Having worked with children for years & being a parent he has treated his children and other children.

Swaby began studying acupuncture after years of training Qi Gong and Tai Qi Chuan, two forms of internal martial arts that, along with acupuncture, share the principle of “qi,” or life force, as their foundation. His experience of cultivating “qi” inspired him to learn more about its healing applications. Alongside providing acupuncture treatment, Swaby empowers patients to heal themselves by teaching patients practices to be performed on their own time to improve their health and wellbeing.

JADE Brunel

Jade is a tea resource, meditation facilitator, nature intuitive, writer, teacher, and the founder of WAOTEA , an online tea store and community, sharing and offering consciously sourced tea, tea ware, accessories, and proposing a variety of experiences, an online course, a book, retreats and immersions, dedicated to tea, meditation, nature wisdom and Chinese philosophy.

Her journey with tea started over a decade ago, in China, Malaysia and Japan. Jade is the creator of the Way of Tea course, an online program and community, and the co-author of the book "Tea, Remembering the Essence of Life".

Upcoming offering:

The Way of Tea Retreat Immersion


Jade is a tea resource, meditation facilitator, nature intuitive, writer, teacher, and the founder of WAOTEA , an online tea store and community, sharing and offering consciously sourced tea, tea ware, accessories, and proposing a variety of experiences, an online course, a book, retreats and immersions, dedicated to tea, meditation, nature wisdom and Chinese philosophy.

Her journey with tea started over a decade ago, in China, Malaysia and Japan. Jade is the creator of the Way of Tea course, an online program and community, and the co-author of the book "Tea, Remembering the Essence of Life".

Upcoming offering:

The Way of Tea Retreat Immersion


Miriam Peretz is an internationally celebrated dancer who has devoted her life to empowering and healing women through the art of dance, ritual practice and community building. Over the course of her lifetime career, she has developed two signature dance format’s, Nava Dance and Integral Dance. Nava Dance is rooted in Miriam’s extensive training in Central Asian dance, however also integrates devotional whirling and mystical practices from her personal spiritual path. Integral Dance is a holistic practice weaving together contemporary dance, somatics, martial arts, and cross-cultural/cross-religious themes.  Both formats embrace Miriam’s belief in the potential of movement and dance to facilitate physical, spiritual, and emotional healing. Her love of dance has led her on an extraordinary life-long journey in search for ways to use the arts as a bridge between people of different backgrounds and spiritual traditions.  Miriam sees dance as a uniquely powerful means of expressing deep emotion and spiritual yearning, and therefore the perfect embodiment of prayer.

Miriam Peretz is a life-long dancer devoted to creating transformational experiences for her students and audiences worldwide.  Over the past twenty years her signature dance style has spread across continents through her dance collective Nava, and through the intensive training’s she offers internationally.  Miriam’s unique style draws heavily on Central Asian dance, devotional whirling practices, and sacred dance rituals from around the world.  Miriam’s work consistently weaves dance with embodied spirituality and devotion, drawing on her personal practice as a dervish and background as a child of mystics. Miriam’s love of dance has led her on a life long journey in search for ways to use the arts as a bridge between people of different backgrounds and spiritual traditions.  She sees dance as a uniquely powerful means of expressing deep emotion and spiritual yearning, and therefore the perfect embodiment of prayer. 


Miriam Peretz is an internationally celebrated dancer who has devoted her life to empowering and healing women through the art of dance, ritual practice and community building. Over the course of her lifetime career, she has developed two signature dance format’s, Nava Dance and Integral Dance. Nava Dance is rooted in Miriam’s extensive training in Central Asian dance, however also integrates devotional whirling and mystical practices from her personal spiritual path. Integral Dance is a holistic practice weaving together contemporary dance, somatics, martial arts, and cross-cultural/cross-religious themes.  Both formats embrace Miriam’s belief in the potential of movement and dance to facilitate physical, spiritual, and emotional healing. Her love of dance has led her on an extraordinary life-long journey in search for ways to use the arts as a bridge between people of different backgrounds and spiritual traditions.  Miriam sees dance as a uniquely powerful means of expressing deep emotion and spiritual yearning, and therefore the perfect embodiment of prayer.

Miriam Peretz is a life-long dancer devoted to creating transformational experiences for her students and audiences worldwide.  Over the past twenty years her signature dance style has spread across continents through her dance collective Nava, and through the intensive training’s she offers internationally.  Miriam’s unique style draws heavily on Central Asian dance, devotional whirling practices, and sacred dance rituals from around the world.  Miriam’s work consistently weaves dance with embodied spirituality and devotion, drawing on her personal practice as a dervish and background as a child of mystics. Miriam’s love of dance has led her on a life long journey in search for ways to use the arts as a bridge between people of different backgrounds and spiritual traditions.  She sees dance as a uniquely powerful means of expressing deep emotion and spiritual yearning, and therefore the perfect embodiment of prayer. 


Anna Wise loves to create. Her main medium is voice and her favorite way to create is through the magic of the loop pedal.


Anna Wise loves to create. Her main medium is voice and her favorite way to create is through the magic of the loop pedal.


Daniela Riojas is a ceremonialist, medicine keeper, an artist and musician as well as a seer and a channel. Her Indigenous ancestry is connected to The Coahuiltecans of northern Mexico as well as the Mexica. As a multidisciplinary artist she has been creating artworks in direct response to her explorations of her Indigenous ancestry and also calling upon the historical information of sacred lands. On her path as a medicine keeper, every aspect of who she is and what she creates has been in some shape or form the practice in channeling her visions and frameworks of consciousness informed by these medicines. Her path of service lies not only in communing with Mother Nature, but also undergoing trainings and initiations with Indigenous elders who have been guiding her in the process of facilitation and healing in ceremonial space. She has been under the guidance of elders in Nayarit Mexico as well as elders of the jungles of Peru who are Cocama, Shipibo, Ashaninka and Mestizo. She is in service to the spirits of each medicine, her ancestors, her descendants, and every individual who sits at her altar to commune with and tap into the wisdom that is available to all of us through their guidance.


Daniela Riojas is a ceremonialist, medicine keeper, an artist and musician as well as a seer and a channel. Her Indigenous ancestry is connected to The Coahuiltecans of northern Mexico as well as the Mexica. As a multidisciplinary artist she has been creating artworks in direct response to her explorations of her Indigenous ancestry and also calling upon the historical information of sacred lands. On her path as a medicine keeper, every aspect of who she is and what she creates has been in some shape or form the practice in channeling her visions and frameworks of consciousness informed by these medicines. Her path of service lies not only in communing with Mother Nature, but also undergoing trainings and initiations with Indigenous elders who have been guiding her in the process of facilitation and healing in ceremonial space. She has been under the guidance of elders in Nayarit Mexico as well as elders of the jungles of Peru who are Cocama, Shipibo, Ashaninka and Mestizo. She is in service to the spirits of each medicine, her ancestors, her descendants, and every individual who sits at her altar to commune with and tap into the wisdom that is available to all of us through their guidance.


Sukina Noor is a Spoken-Word and Hip Hop artist, Workshop Facilitator and Event Organizer. She makes up one half of the Muslim female Hip Hop duo, ‪Poetic Pilgrimage and has performed across the UK, Europe, the USA, North and South Africa with her group sharing their unique blend of conscious Hip Hop and impactful poetry to engage communities.

​She has facilitated creative writing workshops across the world empowering communities to use the written word as a tool for dialogue and engagement. Born in Bristol to Jamaican parents Sukina was raised in a Rastafarian inspired environment however in 2005 she converted to Islam and since then she has played an intrinsic role within the British Muslim creative communities as a performer and events organizer.


Sukina Noor is a Spoken-Word and Hip Hop artist, Workshop Facilitator and Event Organizer. She makes up one half of the Muslim female Hip Hop duo, ‪Poetic Pilgrimage and has performed across the UK, Europe, the USA, North and South Africa with her group sharing their unique blend of conscious Hip Hop and impactful poetry to engage communities.

​She has facilitated creative writing workshops across the world empowering communities to use the written word as a tool for dialogue and engagement. Born in Bristol to Jamaican parents Sukina was raised in a Rastafarian inspired environment however in 2005 she converted to Islam and since then she has played an intrinsic role within the British Muslim creative communities as a performer and events organizer.


Adriana is rainforest herbalist, medicine maker, educator, and lady-behind-the-curtain at large over at Anima Mundi. She was born and raised in Costa Rica and has extensively studied several healing traditions, alongside master herbalists and shamans for 13+ years. She started Anima Mundi in Brooklyn NY as a means to bridging ancient remedies to the modern world. Her heart is to continuously create a farm to pharmacy experience that not only creates a sustainable system of healing, but contains within its core the pursuit to wholeness. She’s devoted to sourcing from honest farmers, wildcrafters and from indigenous peoples when possible, to alchemize and create truly high vibrational medicines for the mind, body and soul. She believes that by preserving ancient forms of indigenous botany, we keep alive a very sacred aspect to our source.


Adriana is rainforest herbalist, medicine maker, educator, and lady-behind-the-curtain at large over at Anima Mundi. She was born and raised in Costa Rica and has extensively studied several healing traditions, alongside master herbalists and shamans for 13+ years. She started Anima Mundi in Brooklyn NY as a means to bridging ancient remedies to the modern world. Her heart is to continuously create a farm to pharmacy experience that not only creates a sustainable system of healing, but contains within its core the pursuit to wholeness. She’s devoted to sourcing from honest farmers, wildcrafters and from indigenous peoples when possible, to alchemize and create truly high vibrational medicines for the mind, body and soul. She believes that by preserving ancient forms of indigenous botany, we keep alive a very sacred aspect to our source.


Steve Ahnael Nobel is the author of 6 non-fiction books, the two most recent are a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’. and The Spiritual Entrepreneur. He was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012.

Subsequently, he began his own healing and awakening work. He has created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. He has created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds which are freely available on his website and YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 139K subscribers. He regularly runs events in the UK.


Steve Ahnael Nobel is the author of 6 non-fiction books, the two most recent are a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’. and The Spiritual Entrepreneur. He was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012.

Subsequently, he began his own healing and awakening work. He has created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. He has created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds which are freely available on his website and YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 139K subscribers. He regularly runs events in the UK.


​Kenneth Jover is a bridge-being and a master practitioner of several energetic traditions. Ken was initiated into the world of the healing arts at a tender age of 3 by his grandmother. She transmitted to Ken a living tradition of ceremony, healing and embodiment, awakening in him the courage required to live a life dedicated to spiritual transformation. At the age of 5, Ken accepted the charge, which has guided most of his life: embody the ancient teachings and create a healing system to guide the modern practitioner. The practices Ken offers are a synthesis of ancient lineages and trauma informed interventions, harnessed to offer the quick path for transformation.


​Kenneth Jover is a bridge-being and a master practitioner of several energetic traditions. Ken was initiated into the world of the healing arts at a tender age of 3 by his grandmother. She transmitted to Ken a living tradition of ceremony, healing and embodiment, awakening in him the courage required to live a life dedicated to spiritual transformation. At the age of 5, Ken accepted the charge, which has guided most of his life: embody the ancient teachings and create a healing system to guide the modern practitioner. The practices Ken offers are a synthesis of ancient lineages and trauma informed interventions, harnessed to offer the quick path for transformation.


Miranda Rondeau is an internationally recognized devotional singer, musician, and frame drum artist. She has been teaching the craft since 1999, as encouraged by her late teacher Layne Redmond, author of the seminal book, When the Drummers Were Women. Miranda has created and teaches a repertoire of frame drum circle songs as a way of remembering the sacred. She reclaims this ancient drum in modern times as a tool of remembrance. She performs in a ceremonial context, offering songs for rites of passage and communal bonding, Drumming and singing is a beautiful vibrational marriage that she is passionate about sharing. 

Her offerings can be found:

She also created and maintains the online presence for “Women Frame Drumming,” dedicated to Layne Redmond.


Miranda Rondeau is an internationally recognized devotional singer, musician, and frame drum artist. She has been teaching the craft since 1999, as encouraged by her late teacher Layne Redmond, author of the seminal book, When the Drummers Were Women. Miranda has created and teaches a repertoire of frame drum circle songs as a way of remembering the sacred. She reclaims this ancient drum in modern times as a tool of remembrance. She performs in a ceremonial context, offering songs for rites of passage and communal bonding, Drumming and singing is a beautiful vibrational marriage that she is passionate about sharing. 

Her offerings can be found at 

She also created and maintains the online presence for “Women Frame Drumming,” dedicated to Layne Redmond.